Furnace Not Working: Common Furnace Problems & Easy Fixes
In this article, we will discuss the common reasons why your furnace is not working. We will also go over what may need to be fixed so you can be partially prepared before calling Ficher Heating and Air Conditioning.
You can also check the video below, which highlights the common problems with Furnaces and why you need furnace repair.
Let`s get started
Step 1: Check Your Thermostat
Step 2: Rest Your Breakers
Step 3: Check the Dirty Filters
Step 4: Neglected Furnace Maintenance
Step 5: Check the Safety Switch
Step 6: A Clean Area
Step 7: Dust and Clean
Furnace not working? The answer could be simpler than you would expect. According to HVAC experts, almost 75% of no-heat calls are due to a lack of maintenance. Most homeowners don’t know what they should be doing to maintain the system. Here we will address the most common reasons your furnace is not working.
Check Your Thermostat
Check the temperature settings. The heat won’t kick on unless the home temperature dips below the set temp. Replace the batteries in your unit to be sure the signal to the system is strong.
Reset Your Breakers
Turn the circuit that controls the furnace off and on again. Note the position when you are at the electrical panel. Was it flipped to off or was it in the middle? When you flipped the breaker did it stay in the on position? If not, your problem could be the circuit itself.
Address Dirty Air Filters
With the furnace off, remove the old filter and ensure no debris is left in the opening. Insert the new filter and reset the breaker. Filters need replacing every 90 to 120 days, more often when they are in heavy use. Now go back to your thermometer and test the furnace. Still nothing? Let’s move on to our next potential solution.
Neglected Furnace Maintenance
There is a certain level of maintenance a furnace requires to operate at 100% for the life of the furnace. Besides the filters, you also need to check the safety switch on the furnace door. We recommend that you have an annual inspection and routine maintenance to make sure everything is working properly.
Safety Swithch
A functioning safety switch should keep the fan and burner of your unit from turning on while the panel is open. This is a great way to keep your eyebrows and not burn your face. But, if the safety switch breaks the fan and burner will never turn on. Open the furnace door and check for the safety switch to pop out when you close the door. If it isn’t working you can ask Fischer to install a new one.
Clean Area
Make sure the entire area around the furnace is clear and clean. Cluttering up space around the furnace makes the furnace work harder. There is also a higher risk of unexpected fires. Dust and debris can also affect the unit so make sure the vacuum around it as well.
Dust & Clean
Make sure your burners are clean and free of debris. A clean burner will have a blue flame with a yellow tip. Is it another color? We recommend also having this professionally cleaned.
Other Possible Solutions
There are a few other things you can do to inspect your furnace. This could include looking for ignition and pilot control issues. But, these might be best left to the experts since it could mean the furnace is in far worse condition than you originally thought.
Doing these regular maintenance activities can save you tons of money and time. It helps avoid costly repairs and replacements. But, even the most attentive homeowner will still need repair from time to time. Make sure to hire a reputable HVAC company. One who will come and do a thorough inspection and provide a quote for services. Are you still having an issue with your furnace? If it’s too cold and your home is freezing, it could be an emergency in the Seattle area. Call us today, and we’ll do our best to get out there quickly.

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