Water Line Replacement & Repair

It is convenient to call a plumbing service when it comes to your house waterline replacement and repair since you probably cannot do it on your own. Once you see that your waterline is signalizing some issues, it is advised that you call a professional like Fischer Plumbing to handle the problem. There are various causes that may require a waterline’s replacement or the house waterline repair.

In this article, we will discuss when your water line might need only some repairs, and when it is convenient to consider a replacement. As well as the water line repair and replacement costs that may follow.

What Causes Damage To Your Water Line And How To Spot It?

Water Line Replacement &Amp; Repair, Fisherplumbing

Even though the waterline is installed below the ground, it is still exposed to internal and external factors that may damage it. There are certain conditions and factors that make the waterline vulnerable and bound to be repaired or replaced. Some of the most common factors that may cause malfunctions in your waterline are the following:

  • Freezing of the ground surrounding the waterline.
  • Corrosion.
  • High water pressure that goes through the pipe.
  • Worn-out parts that make the waterline.
  • Pest infestation.
  • Occurrence and deposition of minerals inside the waterline.
  • Disruption due to soil and tree roots.
  • Pipe cracks.
  • Damaged water valve.

These are the usual factors that influence the malfunction of the waterline. In other words, once your waterline is exposed to these conditions, you may experience that you are not getting the water supply in your house as you are used to. Sometimes, you might not be able to spot the waterline damage immediately since it is placed out of your sight.

However, there are still signs that will tell you that something is not working properly. Below, we have listed the symptoms of a broken water line, so you will easily spot that it might need repair or replacement. Nonetheless, you have to consider the fact that some symptoms may represent some other issues that are not related to the waterline, hence the need for a professional plumbing inspection.












The following symptoms are the most common signs that something is wrong with your waterline:

  • Low water pressure from faucets and other water fixtures around the house.
  • Unclear water that might contain debris and dirt.
  • Significant increase in water utility bills.
  • Wet spots inside or outside the house.
  • Growth of mold inside the house, especially in the lower levels of it.
  • Vibrating sounds and noises from water pipes, even when water is not used.


Water Line Replacement

It is very important that you call a plumbing service when you notice some of the signs in your home. The water line is a complex structure, and you will not be able to detect and solve the issue on your own. In addition, sometimes the water line needs only repairs, not a whole replacement, so you might not be able to determine the best solution without the help of a professional.

Should I Replace Or Repair My Water Line?

Once you establish that your waterline is signalizing some issues, it is advised that you get in touch with a professional plumber.

The waterline is a major structure, and trying to repair it on your own may cause bigger issues. In addition, the plumbing service will always be able to tell whether you need a full replacement or just some repairs.

Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, make sure that you contact the plumbing company that will help you solve the issue the right way. At Fischer Plumbing, we offer services that will provide the exact support you need. We will be able to inspect your water line problem and tell you what you actually need to do.

It is important to note that sometimes the issue might not be as big as you suppose, meaning that simple repair will do the trick.

On the other hand, there are times when a water line might need a simple fix, but a replacement will be a better solution. This is something that only a professional plumber can assess, and that is the main reason why you should opt for one instead of handling the issue by yourself.

However, it is also necessary that you are aware of several things so that when you talk to the plumber, you will have a clear image of what they are talking about. In certain situations repairs are convenient, but sometimes, a replacement will make your life easier. Below, we have provided a table so you can see when you should consider a replacement or a repair of your waterline

When to repair the water line

Normal Wear-And-Tear

Blockage In The Water Line

Usually, a blockage in the waterline will only require repair. Sometimes, this kind of repair is simple, and sometimes more complex. That is why it is necessary you get professional help rather than trying to remove the blockage on your own.

Our licensed plumbers at Fischer Plumbing can deal with blockages really easily and quickly. This will restore the water flow in the pipes, and no additional issues will arise. Moreover, this kind of fix will improve the water usage in your home.

Check Out The Problem

A Few Repairs Already Done

If your waterline has not undergone any major and multiple repairs since it has been installed, then it is good to assume that it is still relatively new. In other words, if your water line has been working without any serious issues until now, then you probably need some repairs instead of a replacement.

However, you still need a professional opinion to tell you what exactly should be done with your water line. At Fischer Plumbing, we will be able to diagnose the problem and handle it effectively and efficiently, so you will not have to rack your brain.

Physical Obstructions

Small Cracks And Fissures

When there are small cracks and fissures in the water line, you may assume that a replacement needs to take place. However, our services can handle these kinds of issues, so that you will not be required to replace the whole water line. Of course, in some cases, a replacement will be the only option, but a professional plumber can always tell you for sure. 

You have to bear in mind that plumbing service is not only there to tell you what is the issue. Plumbers also consider your budget, meaning that they will provide you with the best and the most affordable option you have. That is what we promise you after hiring us.

Fix The Issue

Parts That Can Be Repaired

If the issue is due to some parts but not the whole waterline structure, then you can safely assume that repairs will do the trick. Nonetheless, you need to consider that these parts should be repairable in order not to deal with a replacement. That is, if the problem is with some parts that can be simply repaired, you will not be faced with the trouble of getting a new waterline installed.

Call the professionals

Call Fischer Plumbing Right Away And Get The Best Water Line Repair Service At Your Doorstep

Fp Plumber Man

4 Reasons To Opt For Water Line Repair Services

When it comes to waterline repairs, some homeowners would opt for handling the problem on their own. However, people who decide to deal with the water line on their own probably have some experience with plumbing. It is important to note that replacing or repairing a waterline to a house is not something you can do easily, and it is quite a delicate task.

Therefore, if you do not have any experience with plumbing, you should not consider doing this on your own. However, even if you do have experience with plumbing, you may want to opt for repair services as well. This is because there are many benefits that may come out of hiring professionals for repairing or replacing a water line to house.

Below, we have included some benefits that you can obtain if you decide to hire a plumbing service for your waterline issues.

  1. Proper Diagnose Of The Water Line Issues

    When you hire a plumbing service like Fischer plumbing, a professional will come to your home and discuss with you the issues you have been experiencing with your water line. The plumber will thoroughly examine your water line from street to house and tell you what is required to handle the problem. They will tell you what you need, and how much money you will have to spend, for example the cost for running the water line from street to house.

  2. Prevent Greater Damage

    If you try to fix the waterline on your own while not being sure what exactly you are dealing with, you are risking the occurrence of greater damage. When there is additional damage to your water line, that means more expensive costs for the repairs. However, with a plumber, you can avoid all of this.

  3. Immediate Services

    When it comes to waterline repair, sometimes the damage cannot wait, meaning you will need immediate help. Our Fischer Plumbing services are able to provide support immediately, i.e. the same day you call them. This is also a way to prevent greater issues and handle the problem more quickly.

  4. Avoid Costly Repairs

    Hiring a plumber means that this professional will examine your problem and tell you exactly how much you are going to spend. That is, a licensed plumber has the ability to take into consideration your budget and give you the best option. This way you will know precisely what you are paying for, and you can avoid additional costs.


Call Fischer Plumbing


Check Out The Problem


Estimate To Problem




Choose Fischer Plumbing For Your Water Line Issues


Fischer Plumbing provides the best plumbing support you can get for your home since it comes with licensed plumbers available to you even in emergencies. You can be sure that we are going to offer a service according to your needs and with your budget in mind. We will be able to examine your water line and provide you with all possible options. Should you need repair or replacement of the water line inside or outside your house, we will find a fix for you. As well as determine the cost for repair or replacement of the waterline to house.

Fischer Plumbing has been in the business for over 40 years, so you can expect collaboration with genuine professionals. We are committed to delivering quality and affordable services at all times. If you are experiencing issues with your waterline, and you are not sure about the next step, you can always contact our support team.

Frequently asked questions

For residential pipelining, the pipes that are usually used are PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). These types of pipes are most common due to their affordability and variety on the market. However, PEX (Cross-linked Polyethylene) pipes, that are a little pricier, are better for avoiding corrosion.

The main water line is the pipe that is directly connected from the water distributor of your area to your house. This means that the main water line is where you receive all the water for your house from - whether that is for the shower, toilet flushing or the garden hose.

Yes, you can splice a water supply no matter whether it is copper or plastic. This process involves adding a new coupling to the water line, which serves as a connecting mechanism for the newly created water line.

Waterline pipes can last as little as 20 years and as long as 100 years depending on various factors such as material they’re made of or certain natural conditions in different countries. Typically, it is best to inspect the water lines every 5 to 10 years, to avoid water damage and leaks.

To fix a busted waterline, the main step is to find the source of the leak in a pipe and turn it off. After doing so it is best to call a professional plumbing service like Fischer plumbing to come and fix the pipe for you, in case it is a more serious issue than just pipe breakage.

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